Congress Takes a Look at the Potential for Peace

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs will take up the dauting issue of prospects for peace tomorrow.  The full notice is as follows:


Committee on Foreign Affairs

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia

U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, D.C. 20515-0128

Gary L. Ackerman (D-NY), Chairman

February 12, 2007



             You are respectfully requested to attend an OPEN hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, to be held in Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building: 

 DATE:                        Wednesday, February 14, 2007

 TIME:                        2:30 p.m.       

 SUBJECT:                 Next Steps in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

 WITNESSES:            Mr. David Makovsky


                                    Project on the Middle East Peace Process

                                    The Washington Institute for Near East Polic

                                     The Honorable Martin S. Indyk


                                    Saban Center for Middle East Policy

                                    The Brookings Institution

                                    The Honorable Daniel Pipes


                                    Middle East Forum


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4 Comments on “Congress Takes a Look at the Potential for Peace”

  1. richards1052 Says:

    I can understand why Martin Indyk is “honorable” since he was an ambassador. But what makes Pipes “honorable.” He holds no elective or appointive office I know of that deserves that term. Nor is he an “honorable” person.

  2. J Says:

    Agree with richards1052…

    Pipes has NO Place at any table where reasonable people gather to seek peace or solutions of any kind.

    Pipes’ “long record of xenophobic, racist and sexist” views should NOT be showcased in the US Congress. Shameful for Americans that such a divisive and hate-mongering person was chosen/allowed to speak at this Potential for Peace forum. There must be at least THOUSANDS of people better qualified and better suited for this ppurpose. No wonder there is No Peace!

    Even Christopher Hitchens got this right: “Daniel Pipes is not a man of peace” …. Pipes “employs the fears and insecurities created by Islamic extremism to slander or misrepresent those who disagree with him.”

    Why, pray tell, was he selected to speak at this Hearing, and Who, pray tell, is responsible for this FARCE?

  3. J Says:

    Agree with richards1052…

    Pipes has NO Place at any table where reasonable people gather to seek peace or solutions of any kind.

    Pipes’ “long record of xenophobic, racist and sexist” views should NOT be showcased in the US Congress. Shameful for Americans that such a divisive and hate-mongering person was chosen/allowed to speak at this Potential for Peace forum. There must be at least THOUSANDS of people better qualified and better suited for this purpose. No wonder there is No Peace!

    Even Christopher Hitchens got this right: “Daniel Pipes is not a man of peace” …. Pipes “employs the fears and insecurities created by Islamic extremism to slander or misrepresent those who disagree with him.”

    Why, pray tell, was Pipes selected to speak at this Hearing, and Who, pray tell, is responsible for this FARCE?

  4. M. Meier Says:

    What kind of hearing is it when only one side is present, and a very right, pro-Likud group. Why not a group with a more objective viewpoint. Who sets up these meetings? I realize that the AIPAC and the WINEP are very powerful in Washington, that they are very instramential in our policy making (which they shouldn’t ). Our Foreign Policy is a travesty and it is partially due to adverse ,ideologic influence by these organizations. It needs to be stopped. There are many that are knowledgable in these areas that are not ideological driven and would be more advantageous in making policy, good policy.

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